Episode 278:  Entering a New Market

Chris Blevins, National Sales Director.  Highlights include:  difficulty of managing remotely; less is more; start...

Episode 277:  Getting the Most out of your People in 2025

Phil Reichers, SVP, National Sales Manager, ServiceLink.  Highlights include: tech stack efficiency; serving your staff;...

Episode 276:  What Makes a Successful Broker?

Katherine Gardner, SVP, Open Mortgage Wholesale.  Highlights include:  size doesn’t matter; three C’s; value of...

Episode 275: 2025 Operational Roadmap

Jennifer Fortier,CMB,  Mortgage Banking Consultant.  Highlights include:  importance of a roadmap; falsity of “little tweaks”;...

Episode 274: Amazon Effect on Mortgage Lending

Jay Promisco, President, Sierra Pacific Mortgage.  Highlights include:  “Amazon Impact”; right now and cheap; slowing...