Phil Shoemaker, the President of Originations at Home Point Financial, talks about scaling your sales group. Highlights include: Thinking small vs. thinking big; Recruiting known performers; Keys to compensation design; and emphasize volume &...

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Pat interviews Mark Korell, Chairman, Hamilton Group Funding. Highlights include: Three Keys to being successful with the Boss; Handling Resisters and Change and New Leadership. You will want to hear how Mark applies Lou Holtz’s...

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  Pat Sherlock interviews Greg Gianoplus, the Reverse Mortgage Division Manager at Alpha Mortgage. Highlights include: Value-based leadership; Vision and purpose; Production vs customer driven business; and Competitive advantage. — Conveying Your Company Vision To...

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  Pat interviews Bill Bent, the EVP of Retail Production at Loan Simple. Highlights include: People and their patterns; Loan officers’ uniqueness; Managing prima donnas; and Removing a personal glass ceiling. — Managing Difficult People...

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