Dale Syta, Managing Director, Bellco Home Loans. Highlights include:  getting the right people on the bus; back to basics; can’t have placeholders; who knows you and sourcing business has changed.  Dale has been in the mortgage...

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Bill Bodnar, Chief Revenue Officer at Tabrasa, LLC and Chief Market Analyst at Mortgage Market Guide.   Highlights include:  Loss of “hustle”; AI discussion; advisor of financial market information and the outlook for 2024. Tabrasa, LLC...

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Jennifer Fortier, Principal, at STRATMOR Group.  Highlights include:  “shiny object” syndrome; drivers & outcomes; rush to buy technology products; automation is key and mock up new workflow.   Prior to consulting, she was SVP of an...

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Nicole Poole, VP Residential Lending at The Police Credit Union, discusses Getting the Green Light for Sales Investment.  Highlights include: being relevant is critical; rebuilding the shop; sell equals members’ solutions; engage employees in slower...

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