Jon Overfelt, Director of Sales/Owner at American Security Mortgage Corp.  Highlights include:  preapprovals have ramped up costs; most tech helps consumers; slow second—fast first; leveraging time and don’t buy if can’t implement.  Jon has been in...

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Jeff Scheuren, EVP, President and COO at Fulton Mortgage Co.  Highlights include:  key factors that drive pricing; start with cost to originate; understanding market rate movement; what is a good proxy and be a true...

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Jeff Scheuren, President and COO of Fulton Mortgage Co. discusses Growth in a Down Market. Highlights include: emphasis on referral sources and construction perm; focus on Realtor relationships and partnering; loan officers’ sales plan and upselling skills...

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Marcia Griffin, CEO/Founder of HomeFree-USA talks about the Trends in the Affordable Housing Marketplace.  Highlights include:  partnerships will drive diverse lending; consumers need a Mortgage Achievement Plan; fear of the credit report; pilot programs are...

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Justin Demola, President of Lenders One discusses Emerging Trends in 2022 and the Future Outlook.  Highlights include:  be aware of where you are in the mortgage cycle; the importance of pivoting fast; more efficiency is...

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Kurt Reisig, Chairman & Founder, American Pacific Mortgage discusses the Top 3 Emerging Trends for 2022. Highlights include: the importance of pivoting during different market conditions; first customer is branch manager; it is always about the people,...

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AJ Franchi, President & COO, Gold Star Mortgage Financial, talks about Reputation Management: How to Ensure a Positive Reputation in 2022.  Highlights include:  building relationships with investors; focus on customer experience; pick a platform to...

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S.A. Ibrahim, retired CEO at Radian and GreenPoint Mortgage, talks about the Future of Consumer Lending: 10 Years from Now. Highlights include: the importance of embracing change internally and externally; greater control by consumer is...

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